The last of the tomatoes are in, and that – more than anything – means that summer has wound down, and fall is right around the corner. G used some of those tomatoes, plus an eggplant, some home “grown” honey, and a few other tasty ingredients to make a delicious bruschetta topping. Mmmmm.
You’d think that by the age of “fitty five” I’d have a good feel for the changes in the seasons. But I grew up in Anaheim, CA… and there summer slipped into fall by way of a change in which grade I was attending at school.
For me (and almost every other kid growing up in Orange County), Main Street was a place in Disneyland. And although I saw Walt’s upbeat, optimistic, hopeful view of the heart of America through his eyes, the weather there was routinely 72 F, with early morning low clouds giving way to sunshine in the afternoon.
I must be getting old… because I will always hold dear both my childhood take on the heartland, and my middle-aged experience of it.