A week or so ago, we stumbled across jars of pickled what-nots, designed to be added to rice or farro. We immediately tried it with rice (hit!) and today we discovered it’s even better with farro. We added a bit of shredded pecorino cheese and a bit of good olive oil. Super easy and super tasty.
Puntarelle is new to us as well. This is a type of “sweet chicory” in which the stalks rather than the leaves are the star of the show. Sautéed simply with some garlic and olive oil, seasoned with a bit of salt and black pepper, and then given a generous squeeze of lemon. Fantastic.
P.S. Our 2017 cerasuolo isn’t in the bottle yet, but that didn’t stop us from drinking it at lunch. It’s super tasty, and I imagine that it will be over and done with before summer is over and done with us!